Physical description
The largest hanging gong that has the lowest pitch among the gamelan instruments is called “gong ageng” (ageng means large), with a diameter of around 34 inches. It is hung on a stand. A full gamelan set may have a pair of gongs, although it is also not uncommon for gamelan to have only one gong. There is also medium sized hanging gong, with a diameter of around 24 inches that has the same function as gong ageng; it is called gong suwukan. A full gamelan set has one gong suwukan, although there are also gamelan that have two or more gong suwukan.
Historical background
There is some pictorial evidence of gongs of different sizes on the walls of a number of temples from the 14th to 15th century. Reports from travelers, Dutch traders, and officials mention gong manufacturers and gong ensembles in Java in the 16th and 17th centuries, including some hand drawings. However, the lack of collaborative evidence prevents us from reconstructing the musical use of gongs at that time. In any event, gongs became important symbols of power and wealth among Javanese rulers. The gong, especially the large gong, maintains its high status when the gamelan ensemble developed into an expansive ensemble. Besides its important function musically, the gong is the most respected instrument in the ensemble. This is because people believe that gamelan endows supernatural powers, and the large gong particularly, is the most supernaturally charged instrument.